NOTICE: All Travis County CPS Court hearings are now occuring in-person at the NEW Travis County Civil and Family Courts Facility.
Travis County Family Drug Treatment Court:
Parenting In Recovery
Partner Organizations
The PIR/FDTC partnership is comprised of the following entities:
Travis County Health & Human Services—administrative oversight & support
Texas Department of Family & Protective Services, Child Protective Services
Austin Recovery Network—substance abuse treatment program
Foundation Communities—housing supports
Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of Travis County—child advocates
Travis County Court Appointed Family Advocates (CAFA)—parent attorneys
The Travis County Office of Child Representation—children’s attorneys
Austin Travis County Integral Care—administrative support and children’s therapists
Communities for Recovery—peer recovery coaching
SAFE—domestic & family violence counseling & supports
Manos de Cristo—dental care
Austin Oxford Houses—transitional sober living
MedSavers Pharmacy—prescription medications
PA Scot Flynn—psychiatry
Workforce Solutions Capital Area—employment programs
Contact Information
For more information about the program, please contact:
Aurora Martinez Jones, 126th District Court Judge
Office of the District Judges
PO Box 1748
Austin, TX 78767
Judicial Executive Assistant: April Morton,
Brook Son, MSSW – Office of Children Services Program Administrator, PIR/FDTC
(512) 854-4272
(737) 931-7835
Michelle Kimbrough, LCSW – PIR/FDTC Program Manager
(512) 854-5903
(737) 931-7826 - cell
Amber Middleton, LMSW– PIR/FDTC Court Coordinator
(512) 854-5008
(737) 228-5537 - cell
For more information about drug courts and the interaction between child welfare and substance abuse, please consult the following websites:
National Center on Substance Abuse and Child Welfare: US Dept of HHS, SAMHSA, and ACF resources
Children and Family Futures: Online training and research related to Child Welfare and Substance Abuse Issues
Family Drug Court Community of Learning: Information exchange and blogging among drug court professionals
Center for Court Innovation: Statewide Drug Court Training and Technical Assistance- webinars
The Risks Associated with CBD Use: Informative Brochure
Additional Information: THC is very low in CBD preparation and a person may show THC in their system through a drug test because of accumulation in the body. The more fat a person has, the longer the THC remains in the body because it is stored in fat. Additionally, hemp plants (and various marijuana plants) have different amounts of THC causing variations in THC levels in different CBD preparations.
This information is being published only as a resource and the Court has had this information reviewed by an expert forensic toxicologist.